Assisted Living

Residents who can also benefit from assisted living services can get all the support and help they need to enjoy life on their terms. From dressing and bathing to medication management and more, we provide caring assistance and encouragement, focusing on individual care needs. That help is provided by our fully trained staff in the comfortable surroundings of their home. Keeping residents healthy is our priority and our multidisciplinary team approach ensures comprehensive care and access to our staff onsite 24/7, primary care and specialty physicians, dentists, podiatrists, orthopedists, therapists, home care, and hospice.

  • Nurses and caregivers onsite 24 hours a day
  • Individualized care plans designed to enhance independence
  • Medication assistance
  • Healthcare service coordination
  • Assistance with activities of daily living such as personal care, mobility, escorts, reminders, safety checks, and laundry   
  • Priority access to all additional care options at Mary Wade