Chatham Place BLOG


July 15, 2024 / By admin / No Comments

With the beautiful weather upon us, all of us want to get outside! But how can you decide what activities are the best for you…especially in the heat? And how can you do them safely this summer? Today, we are providing some great tips to help seniors stay active SAFELY during the summertime.

Tip #1: Get Back to the Basics

Stay Hydrated

In the heat, it’s easy to get dehydrated! That’s why it’s extremely important to ensure that you are consuming enough water. Chat with your healthcare provider, but, most seniors should be drinking one-third to one-half of their body weight in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll want to aim to drink 50-75 ounces of water per day.

Using a water bottle is a great way to challenge yourself to drink more water. And remember, fluids like soda and coffee generally don’t count towards this total as they can dehydrate you further! Don’t like the taste of water? Consider adding fruit or herbal (non-caffeinated) teas. By making sure your body has the hydration it needs, you will be ready to beat the heat!

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen!

The sun’s heat is intense in the summer! Protect your skin, particularly if you are going to be outside between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun’s heat is most intense. Apply sunscreen before going outside and reapply at least every 90 minutes. Sunscreen can expire, so it’s generally a good idea to get a fresh bottle for the season. Also, don’t forget that certain prescriptions can make us photosensitive, so it’s a good idea to check or chat with your doctor.

Protective Clothing

Hats, sunglasses, clothes, and even umbrellas are a summer-time must! We recommend loose cotton clothing because it lets the breeze in, keeping you cool, while still protecting you from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Be sure to plan ahead and pick up items during your next shopping trip so you are stocked up and ready for the summer!


Tip #2 Plan Ahead

Plan Ahead For Success!

If you know you’ll be doing physical activity, consider how to support your body. Ask yourself questions such as:
● Would gentle stretching be supportive?
● Does it make sense to bring some electrolytes (e.g. Gatorade or water with a pinch of Celtic salt) with you?
● Would it be a good idea to pack a high-protein snack, light lunch, or water bottle?
● Would bringing a family member or friend along make sense?
● What time of day would be best?
● Is there a certain day of the week when the weather is ideal for your chosen activity?

Preparing will look different depending on the activity and your own physical needs, but just be sure to check in on your body before you get going!

Talk to Your Doctor

If you are ever concerned about completing an activity, use your discernment and talk to your doctor. They may be able to suggest modifications that make your activity of choice more approachable as well.


Tip #3: Don’t Overdo It In the Heat

Pay Attention to the Temperature

Summer is a wonderful time to get out into nature. We come out of “hibernation”…literally! It’s a wonderful time to bring our indoor activities outdoors. But be mindful of the temperature…utilize the cooler morning and evening hours, when possible. You will be less likely to overexert yourself when it’s cooler outside.

Take Breaks

Think about summertime activities like a marathon, not a sprint. There’s no need to overexert yourself. If your body is telling you to ease up or take a breather, listen to it. Taking a 15-minute rest won’t take away from enjoying a street fair, a grandchild’s birthday, a bike ride, or anything else you want to do this summer. Sit down on a park bench and enjoy the sights around you. Drink some water, reapply sunscreen if needed, and catch your breath. Perhaps you’ll notice birds or plants you wouldn’t have seen otherwise! Go slow and enjoy your time outdoors.


Tip #4 Allow Yourself Recovery Time


It’s All About Balance

In the summer, it’s not uncommon for us to exert ourselves more. That’s why you want to be extra diligent about giving your body rest.

● Getting enough sleep at night
● Frequent breaks
● Naps when needed
● Stretches
● Low-Intensity Activity Days

At the end of the day, exercising safely is all about knowing your limits…and listening to them. Support yourself and rest when you need to to avoid injury and overtaxing your body.


Get Active With Chatham Place At Mary Wade

No matter your summer plans, you can count on Chatham Place at Mary Wade to help you stay active this summer. We have programs designed to help you enjoy every bit of your summer—safely.

We have a full listing of engaging programming as well as other community-hosted events, on our calendar here.

Some resident favorites include:

● Gardening Club
● Walking Club (in several scenic locations)
● Outdoor Movie Socials and BBQs
● Nature-Based Scavenger Hunts
● Outdoor Softball Games at Connecticut Sportsplex

We can’t wait to enjoy the summer with you!




Chatham Place at Mary Wade is a community-based senior living experience designed to provide fulfillment to every resident. Our programming staff creates relevant and exciting programs that help seniors have summertime fun while also supporting health and well-being. Learn more about how our programming balances interests, activity levels, and health needs by scheduling a visit today: (475) 900-6040.


Chatham Place Blog


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