“Simultaneously both my parents got sick my dad: stroke with complete blindness and mom: cancer. They moved into our home with my family and we handled this situation for several years until he passed away. Over the years my mom started as an out-patient going to the daycare for adults at Mary Wade. She thrived with these social interactions and was able to stay with us at home. I was able to remain in the workforce and life went on! Years passed, she progressed with sickness, and she needed more than my family could give her. She moved into Mary Wade full time for the last 7 months of her life. She was visited daily by my family and for each and every day we witnessed a compassionate staff. Hospice added to her comfort and ours! Mary Wade holds a special place in our hearts because of the care given to my mom!”
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rEAD mOREThe beauty of summertime is the ease with which the community comes together—festivals, barbecues, reunions, and more. The common thread...
rEAD mOREHow Art and Culture Enriches Our Lives Research shows that Art and Culture increase seniors’ well-being, improve memory, and even...